White Horses in the Marshes

November 08, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Monday Sept 30th

Cecille would take us on two more photo sessions, both in the marshes. The first was the morning of Sept 30th, the second was on Friday Oct 4th, but I will report on both now. The weather was completely different for the two sessions which gave us two very different kinds of images. The first session was fully overcast and a little misty, and the light was very flat. Pretty good grist for black and white but I'll keep these in color. We'll do some B&W in the last post for the trip. 


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The flat skies and calm winds gave us the opportunity to get some get some reflection shots. _8504844 (2)_8504844 (2) _8504906 (2)_8504906 (2)

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But horses running through the marsh is we really wanted. _8505088_8505088 _8505125 (2)_8505125 (2) _8505133_8505133 _8505136_8505136 _8505170_8505170 _8505180 (2)_8505180 (2) _8505240 (2)_8505240 (2) _8505275 (2)_8505275 (2) _8505328 (2)_8505328 (2)

To finish off the session we tried a little Phancy Photography. Using a relatively slow shutter speed we tracked the rider as he rode across the field of view. This left everything but the horse and rider blurry. Fun.

_8505727 (2)_8505727 (2) Below are the images from the session on Friday Oct 4th. You can see that the light has totally changed and we really tried to capitalize on it.

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I've learned from photographing the white horses in Missouri the potential of backlighting. This was a terrific opportunity.

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Once more, boys, into the water!  _8507542_8507542 _8507602_8507602 _8507693 (2)_8507693 (2) _8507708_8507708 _8507730_8507730 _8507758 (2)_8507758 (2) _8507784 (2)_8507784 (2) _8507819 (2)_8507819 (2) _8507833_8507833 _8507859 (2)_8507859 (2) _8507918 (2)_8507918 (2) _8508095 (2)_8508095 (2) _8508164 (2)_8508164 (2) _8508167 (2)_8508167 (2)

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What a day!!


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