The Temples: Agrigento Part 3

June 22, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Tuesday, May 17th I was up and out about 4:30 to catch the moon setting over the Temple of Hera, the same spot I had used for the eclipse the day before. I again crossed town on the high road because this time I knew what was waiting and I was prepared to spend more time. I would definitely get out of bed that early just to observe this scene, even if I couldn't photograph it.



I then headed over to the scene of my failure the previous morning. I at least knew my alignment was pretty close. I got something out of this full moon.



In the image above, the sun had just popped above the horizon behind me, lighting up the temple as you see. . But it was evident by this point that I was too far to the right. The moon would go down to the right of the temple. So I threw my gear in the car and went down the hill one switchback and set up again. This was the result.

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At this point I headed back up to the high road above the park to see what else the rising sun might have for me.

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And that was it for Agrigento. Time to pack the car and head east.

 A few pictures from the 2012 trip are in the slide show below.


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